The Brothers Josephu

The Brothers Josephu
Young Josef at work...circa 1917

Friday, December 21, 2012

Steinway Hall, NYC

Visited Steinway Hall today. One of Manhattan's hidden gems. My personal connection; my grandfather, Josef Josephu, had his first US showing of his sculptures here in February of 1940 - only 5 months after arriving from Vienna. The NY Times review called him a modern-day Rodin. The staff were friendly and accommodating allowing my to go behind the 'velvet rope' and take many photos for the biography.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thanks to friend Herbert Fischer, the above photo (circa World War I) was spotted in a November 2012 newsletter of "Penzinger Museumblatter". The statue behind these people is one by my grandfather, Josef. It stood in front of a veteran's hospital, or Kriegsspital, in A-1140 Vienna in the area of 'Linzer Strasse - Deutschordenstrasse-Cossman Gasse - Casino Park.' The hospital no longer exists and the whereabouts of the statue are unknown. During my visit, George and I spent much time trying to locate the spot - and thanks to this newsletter we know where it 'was'.....but, sadly, not where it 'is'.

Thanks to Dr. Wolfgang Regal and Dr. Guenther Haberhauer for their correspondence, and to Karl Kratky of the Bezirksmuseum Penzing for send a copy of the photo.